Revolutionary new treatments for hypnotherapy

Sshhhh. Don’t tell anyone but I’ve been inRussell Hemmings hypnotherapist London recently working on an exciting new project!
Pushing the boundaries is part of what I do. And being at the forefront of the hypnotherapy profession, driving things forward to ensure my clients experience the cutting edge of what Cognitive Behaviour Hypnotherapy has to offer is very important to me.
For months now I’ve been developing top-secret new treatments with revolutionary approaches to weight loss, infertility, the treatment of diabetes and much much more.
And I’ve finally found the time and the opportunity to fly in to London and go into the recording studios to produce them as downloads.
It’s all a bit hush hush, so don’t go telling anyone!

Obviously I can’t be everywhere and see everyone, but I am keen to help as many people as possible. So I’ve been working on my downloads to ensure they are what clients are looking for and that they are easy to use and fit in with every day life.
You can view a full range of my current hypnotherapy downloads and currently there is the chance to pre-order my new Hypno Fertility download. After lots of private clients have been successfully treated, I thought it was time to offer this therapy to the wider public.
If you have been trying for a baby for more than six months you may have been told by well meaning family and friends that you are ‘trying too hard’. That’s very easy for them to say, but when you get caught up in that desperate cycle of expectation every month only to have your hopes dashed and have to start the whole process again, then the stress levels naturally begin to rise.
Current thinking suggests that in up to 30% of couples with infertility problems stress plays a major factor.
This advanced hypnotherapy download aims to help you relax and guide you into a new way of thinking, preparing the way you approach becoming pregnant in a positive way.
And for a limited time, if you pre-order Hypno Fertility  you’ll receive the Self Hypnosis session FREE (normally £29.95).

It’s time to make that change, and I’m here to help you do it.

Can hypnosis help make you pregnant?

Now there’s a loaded question eh?!

It’s a heartbreaking fact that as many as one in six couples in the UK have difficulty conceiving. That’s a huge 3.5 million people.
According to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Society the majority of these couples will eventually become pregnant over time, but a significant minority will not.
And if you have ever received the diagnosis ‘unexplained infertility’ after undergoing tests, you will know how confusing, frustrating and stressful that can be.

Deciding to have a baby and then discovering that you have problems with your fertility is very difficult. And all of those emotions and stress can help make the problem even worse.
BUT a diagnosis like this can be a positive: It also means there is nothing physically stopping you from getting pregnant.

So what is?
Well, that old chestnut stress has a lot to answer for.
It’s stressful enough having to listen to others around you announce their pregnancy and show their ‘baby bump’, while you constantly monitor your periods month in month out.
On top of that there is the stress of work, of life, money worries, and so on. It’s almost impossible to relax.

In recent years, researchers have found a link between stress and infertility; women who are constantly under stress produce prolactin, cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline and other hormones which can interfere with, or even block, regular ovulation.
So how can you optimise yourself, both mentally and emotionally to conceive?
Well, how many times have you heard about someone desperately trying to get pregnant and the minute they give up all hope they conceived? Or the couple who turn to adoption after years of trying naturally and then the mum turns pregnant?
It’s almost like the moment that the stress of worrying about getting pregnant has gone, their body is able to do what comes naturally.

And that is the key to how hypnotherapy can help you. It can lower your stress and anxiety levels, which in turn affect your hormones, and give your body a fighting chance to do what it does best.
In the modern world, women are putting their careers first and delaying pregnancy. And when they then find they cannot conceived, their stress levels shoot through the ceiling. They blame themselves, imagine all sorts of reasons why they can’t conceive and mentally tie themselves up in knots.
Stress can stop your periods . . . imagine what else it can do to your body.

It can be an awful strain coping with infertility, but hypnotherapy offers a way out; a way to take control of the situation and give your body the tools it needs to work properly.
And even if you do have to eventually go down the medical route, hypnotherapy has also been shown to work very well alongside other treatments – in clinical trials it has been shown to double the success rate of IVF treatment.

Of course it’s not just the conception that hypnotherapy can help with; using the stress-relieving therapy is also a fabulous way to give birth. Even celebrities are singing its praises as you can see from this article in Marie Claire: Pregnant Jessica Alba a fan of hypnobirthing classes.

There is also an interesting article on the BBC website about hypnobirthing being tested as part of an NHS trial in Manchester.

For any information about utilising the power of hypnotherapy before, during or after pregnancy, visit my West Midlands Hypnotherapy site.